

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Kick off meeting in Seville, Spain

Within the framework of the Erasmus + KA226 project "DI.S.T.AN.C.E: A Digital Tool for Teaching Science and Coding in Distance Education"  completed its first meeting in Spain in the period from July 12-15, 2021.

Meeting program:

Upon arrival in Seville, Andalusia, Spain on 12.07.2021, a welcome dinner was held, at which the program of the first working day was discussed.

July 13, 2021
Arrival at the CPIFP los Viveros Sevilla vocational training center,
where project coordinator Luis Modesto gave us a sightseeing tour of the school,
Virtual tour
after which he spoke in more detail about the training center.

All project participants also presented their countries, cities and educational institutions:

Turkey, Yavuz selim Ortaokulu

Turkey, YenilikçiEğitim Derneği

Estonia, Jõhvi Vene Põhikool

Greece, 1st lyceum of Pallini -1ο Lýkeio Pallḗnēs-Pierre deCoubertin

Italy, Centro Studi Infol

The functions of each partner during the project were also discussed and discussed.
After a working meeting, we visited a wonderful restaurant in the center of Seville, where we were able to taste traditional Spanish cold gazpacho soup and Andalusian wine.

In the evening we were invited to a sightseeing tour of the city of Seville.

On July 14, we continued our working meetings.

We talked about the educational system in Spain.
Partners from Turkey presented the intellectual results of the project: an educational game and a digital lab.
Each partner presented a plan of working meetings in their country. We discussed in more detail at the next scheduled meeting in Italy in Rome.

Next, an unexpected surprise awaited us - a trip to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the small resort village of Matalascaña.

July 15

Action planning in e-Twinnig, distribution of responsibilities.
Presentation of certificates.

Visit to Doñana National Park

Thanks to our coordinator Luis Modesto CPIFP los Viveros Sevilla for their great hospitality in Seville, Spain.

Our project will last two years with input from partner countries working on robotics and coding in education.

The next meeting will take place in Rome Centro Studi Infol as an LTT learning workshop on robotics and coding.